Monday, September 10, 2018


I must have spoke too soon or thought too loud. Just as I started to settle out of the unknown and think that we were going to have a good day the school called. They asked me to come get Jack because he was having a meltdown again today and they could not calm him. I don't have the words to express how frustrating this is, how is it so hard to care for six year old little boy when it is literally your job and my automatic reaction is to be angry to be frustrated to be hurt to the point of Tears. Then I stopped and I remember I can't always calm him either and so how can I be mad at them when I can't give them the tools they need, when I don't have the tools I need when some days are just going to be bad no matter how much we did right. Today there was no winner. Jack came home early, I cried, teachers are frustrated and staff doesn't know what to do. I know that I'm learning with him. I know that this is new but today I can't help feeling like we failed. school starting August 8th and I can count on one hand the days I haven't gotten a phone call or a note with fingers to spare. Something has to change

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